Help Communities Lead campaign invites all the municipal elected officials to:
Advance resolution to support and advance Help Communities Lead in the council meeting
Help Communities Lead invites all municipal elected officials to advance a Help Communities Lead policy priorities discussion within their municipal councils and deliver municipal council resolutions to the province of Ontario speaking to the critical need for Ontario municipalities and the Government of Ontario to work together to achieve our climate commitments. Ontario municipalities are eager to increase discussions between municipalities and provincial ministries to identify where there is overlap between the various actions and policies identified in the Help Communities Lead policy briefs and the provincial willingness to work with municipalities to advance.
Please send us an email at if your municipality will be advancing a council discussion to support Help Communities Lead priorities to the Province of Ontario.
Join the Ontario Climate Caucus network to engage with fellow municipal council member climate leaders, keep up to date with Ontario municipal climate action implementation lessons learned and to stay informed about Help Communities Lead updates and actions
Ontario Climate Caucus is a network of Ontario municipal elected leaders and allies working together to accelerate the low carbon transformation to achieve climate commitments, while also advancing local economic and job creation opportunities within their communities.